Thursday, September 20, 2012

Leisure life

It wouldn't have made sense to me before that the path to finding inspiration would be through being still. I used to think that I had to be active, go out and be in search of what it is that gets my creativity going. Lately I have been finding however, that the further afar I search for it, the more overwhelmed I feel about what is out there. Frankly because everything is out there. It's been done. And it's really easy to compare yourself to others when you are seeking out talent. Feeling lost and wondering where I would even fit in. So I am reigning it in, settling down and searching no farther than my own door step for what it is I am "DOING"....

1 comment:

  1. brilliant that you've tapped into stillness as the way.... at your tender it....i believe even so called "busy" work can come from stillness....stillness helps us connect to our true voice....
